

What is it?

A small async library based on aiohttp that contains several public classes for working with the VMmanager 6 API - AuthSession - DnsProxySession - IpSession - VmSession

Each class inherits from a base class, BaseSession, which wraps aiohttp.ClientSession and acts as a context manager.

The library already implements the formation of convenient endpoints, decodes JSON responses, and also raises a ClientResponseError exception if the response status is 400 or higher.

There are also several ready-made methods for basic actions:


  • get_token
  • get_key
  • whoami


  • get_task
  • get_task_by_consul_id
  • host_create
  • host_delete
  • host_edit

How to use it?

Each available direction of the VMmanager 6 API has its own class. When initializing the class, you can specify the base url and SSL certificate verification. All other parameters override the behavior of aiohttp.ClientSession You can read more in the official documentation aiohttp

Each class has methods that make it easier to generate API requests Their names are the same as the aiohttp.ClientSession methods. Methods currently implemented:

  • get
  • post
  • delete

To start generating queries, import the required class and use the context manager syntax


  • python = ^3.9
  • install dependency pip install aiohttp
  • copy the aiovmmanager package to your project
Use pip
  • pip install iovmmanager


  • get an authorization token this token will need to be added to the header of each request in the future
import asyncio
from aiovmmanager import AuthSession

async def main():
    url = ''
    headers = {}

    # pass to AuthSession ssl=False if you have a self-signed or invalid certificate
    async with AuthSession(url=url) as session:
        response = await session.get_token(
        # set x-xsrf-token header:
        headers['x-xsrf-token'] = response.get('token', '')

if __name__ == "__main__":

  • end-to-end authorization by key
import asyncio
from aiovmmanager import AuthSession

async def main():
    url = ''
    headers = {'x-xsrf-token': 'the token can be obtained in the example above'}

    # pass to AuthSession ssl=False if you have a self-signed or invalid certificate
    async with AuthSession(url=url, headers=headers) as session:
        response = await session.get_key(email_or_id='')

if __name__ == "__main__":

  • Create 3 virtual machines asynchronously
import asyncio
from aiovmmanager import VmSession

vm_template = {
    "name": "aiovmmgr",
    "os": 8211,
    "password": "root-password",
    "send_email_mode": "default",
    "cluster": 27,
    "preset": 1,
    "disks": [
            "boot_order": 1,
            "size_mib": 10240,
            "tags": [],
            "storage": 61
    "comment": "test vm from aiovmmgr",
    "account": 124,
    "node": 64,
    "custom_interfaces": [
            "model": "virtio",
            "is_main_network": True,
            "bridge_id": 97,
            "ip_count": 1,
            "ippool": 111
    "domain": ""

async def main():
    url = ''
    headers = {'x-xsrf-token': 'the token can be obtained in the first example'}

    async with VmSession(url=url, headers=headers) as session:
        # create a list of three coroutines
        # of course in a real example host_params contains three different vms
        tasks = [session.host_create(host_params=vm_template) for _ in range(3)]
        # send a request to create virtual machines asynchronously
        results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

        for result in results:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • get task by consul id

All tasks that are performed by the platform for a long time fall into the consul. The response comes with the id of such a task. Subsequently, the task will go to the task manager and will be processed and completed You can find the task number in the task manager by requesting information by consul id. The method is configured with an exact match filter by consul id

import asyncio
from aiovmmanager import VmSession

async def main():
    url = ''
    headers = {'x-xsrf-token': 'the token can be obtained in the first example'}

    consul_id = 1488228  # example consul_id

    async with VmSession(url=url, headers=headers) as session:
        response = await session.get_task_by_consul_id(consul_id=consul_id)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • any request in accordance with the VMmanager 6 API documentation

Since all classes inherit from BaseSession which is a wrapper of aiohttp.ClientSession you can make requests for any handlers.

import asyncio
from aiovmmanager import AuthSession, VmSession

async def main():
    url = ''
    headers = {'x-xsrf-token': 'the token can be obtained in the first example'}

    # -- Snip
    async with AuthSession(url=url, headers=headers) as session:
        # show active admins:
        list_admins = await session.get(
            params={"where": "((roles+CP+'%@admin%')+AND+(state+EQ+'active'))"}
    # -- Snip

    # -- Snip
    async with VmSession(url=url, headers=headers) as session:
        # force restart vm by id:
        host_id = 228
        restart_vm = await
            json={'force': True}
    # -- Snip

if __name__ == "__main__":

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